9 months agoEpisode 387: You can't take the sky from me! Or, why we love Firefly!Blasters and Blades Podcast
4 months agoEpisode 453: The Adventures of Kirk Rogers: Inside the Moon by CJ BoyleBlasters and Blades Podcast
10 months agoEpisode 371: Magical Harems with Edie Skye and the Vampire Slayer Series!Blasters and Blades Podcast
10 months agoEpisode 377: Peter Pan in space, or how much cooler can Josh Hayes get?Blasters and Blades Podcast
10 months agoEpisode 373: The Warmaster LitRPG Series with Melissa McShaneBlasters and Blades Podcast
7 months agoEpisode 420: The Imperial Wizard & the Arcane Awakening Series by J ParsonsBlasters and Blades Podcast
10 months agoEpisode 378: The coolest #SpaceMarines come from author Bill Fawcett!Blasters and Blades Podcast
9 months agoEpisode 388: They come in peace, honest! Lets talk about alien invasions!Blasters and Blades Podcast
6 months agoEpisode 429: Another War of the Worlds Book by Eric GoebelbeckerBlasters and Blades Podcast
3 months agoEpisode 474: The Contested Landing Anthology and the world it spawned with Jesse James FainBlasters and Blades Podcast