18 hours agoCarnicom Disclosure Project Update 2021, TMT & RDR | Dr. Madej, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. YoungDr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
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22 hours agoPanel 1 – Carnicom Disclosure Project Update 2021, TMT & RDR | Dr. Madej, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. YoungDr. Ardis|The Dr Ardis Show | Dr.Eric Berg
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1 day agoThe Moon's orbit and rotation around the EarthOnline Shop for Car & Bicycle, Fishing & Hunting, Phones, Sport, Tools
1 day agoPanel 1 – Carnicom Disclosure Project Update 2021, TMT & RDR | Dr. Madej, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. YoungBiological Medicine