Al Hakam الحكم The Judge #quotes #quranrecitationaudio #motivationalquotes #bestqurantilawat #bayan
Quran Guidnce
Al Basir البصير The Seer #quotes #quranrecitationaudio #motivationalquotes #bestqurantilawat #bayan
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Al Latif اللَطيف The Gentle #bestqurantilawat #hindi #quranrecitation #motivation #quranreading
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Al Adl العَدل The Just #quotes #quranrecitationaudio #bestqurantilawat #hindi #quranrecitation
Quran Guidnce
Bayan-ul-Huda English (Surah AL-HUJRAAT 14 To Surah QAAF 45) By Dr. Israr Ahmed | 97/114
Bayan-ul-Huda English (Surah AZ-ZUMAR 52 To Surah AL-MOMIN 46) By Dr. Israr Ahmed | 89/114