1. PAUL HAUSSER holds the line at Jelnja in preparation for the attack on Moscow SS Div DAS REICH pt 18

    PAUL HAUSSER holds the line at Jelnja in preparation for the attack on Moscow SS Div DAS REICH pt 18

  2. SS REICH Div (mot) surrounded & almost wiped out attacking PRYLUKY 16_17.9.1941 - Part 25

    SS REICH Div (mot) surrounded & almost wiped out attacking PRYLUKY 16_17.9.1941 - Part 25

  3. Catastrophic damage caused by RADIO-BOMBS in occupied KIEV, Sept 24-28 of 1941 with UNSEEN FOOTAGE

    Catastrophic damage caused by RADIO-BOMBS in occupied KIEV, Sept 24-28 of 1941 with UNSEEN FOOTAGE

  4. T-34 Turret Toss, Hausser's DAS REICH StuG combat report - TYPHOON E29

    T-34 Turret Toss, Hausser's DAS REICH StuG combat report - TYPHOON E29

  5. Doggy don in air swimming

    Doggy don in air swimming

  6. Funny movement dog acting

    Funny movement dog acting
