4 days agoYou will understand it at the end of days, as the truth on the day of Moses' flood, his birth.FaultlineGrace5607
2 days agoDec18: The first [day] is the Full Moon! The hour and the New (Full) Moon are My counter indeed!FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoMAY18 2024: The day we shall be caught up. 2 loaves of leavened bread; 4-the assembly of the bride.FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoJUL28B 2024: The day of the LORD is true. USA-earthquake. Nothing will escape the star, Wormwood.FaultlineGrace5607
2 days agoDec14: I will rejuvenate the day of weeping that belongs to God and the women. God's Calendars.FaultlineGrace5607
2 days agoDec09: Where is the arrogant one who tracked? Mangione is the day and the aspect of her bitterness.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoOCT02 2024: Levite, Linda Mitchell, is the mother of Sean-Moses. April 17th is the true day of love.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoSEP01B: Yankee Rose. Day of the Levite. Egypt. Exodus, Barack Obama, Pharaoh New York, Her grave.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoNov13: I uprooted the gift, but you ignited the 360-day calendar because My nation is deceived.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoNov21: This code spans 110 letters in the Tanakh at ELS 6018—Bible number 110 DAY OF WRATH.FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoJUL30M 2024: Watchnight - Day 2. God confirms that July is Nisan. Weebly - "My Jubilee".FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoJUL11 2024: The day of the ambush after we have been Raptured, Obama will begin his Dragon fire liesFaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoSean Mitchell's clock is complete (the day he exited his mother's womb). Our Exodus nears!FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoJUN08: RESURRECTION! What is false? Sunday, so raise it up from death! Let it be on the seventh day!FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoNov22: 2 weeks from today - THE LAST GREAT DAY! Pentecost RAPTURE time! Fear God - BELIEVE.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoNov18: When is the rapture? The Mount of YHVH is His hidden day. He described an ambush.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoNov26: The measure of this day by the Sun is an arrogant lie. YHVH made the Sabbath SundayFaultlineGrace5607
2 days agoDec04: This code beautifully encapsulates the three phases of salvation. The 8th Day.FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoJUL08 2024: July 29 is Pentecost. 7/29 is 4/29 on God's 360 day calendar. 2023 Pentecost Rapture!FaultlineGrace5607
13 hours agoJesus Paid it All. The day of wrath was the Gift. Jonathan gave the weapon. Todd White destroyedFaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoAPR192024: When is the rapture? The Mount of YHVH is His hidden day - is it not the way for mankind?FaultlineGrace5607
4 days agoApril 29. He corrected 7 Adar on the 8th day, They didn't know Adar. Jesus is about to go silent.FaultlineGrace5607
3 days agoOCT25 2024: The death points to October 28th. I will rejuvenate the day of God and the women weepingFaultlineGrace5607