13 hours agoABC builds work of article with three Matthews that is not just creepy but subtly threateningMatt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoOperation Crazy Cooker: Two ABC articles featuring Matts, cops and more on same dayMatt Hayden Blogger
2 days agoOperation Crazy Cooker: Concerned about change in heartbeat that is not organicMatt Hayden Blogger
3 days agoHaydn (17 years old) died in crash at Black Hill. Given patterns, you'll know why I noticed thisMatt Hayden Blogger
3 days agoWest Australian has a Mat (kind of) on the cover. What are the odds of that?Matt Hayden Blogger
3 days agoABC runs symbol rich story about Matt bitten by tiger snake. Another subtle threat?Matt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoDisturbed child harassed me near South Beach. Clearly part of psyop (ASIO?) that includes MSMMatt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoTwo Matts in ABC article about wind farms and whales echoes previous pattern related to Tom HanksMatt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoStory on Mathew's fatal one punch attack echoes previous one about Matthew at HillarysMatt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoOperation Crazy Cooker: Thoughts on why the ABC has Georgia on their mindMatt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoABC story about gravely ill Mathew used to cast spell (that doesn't work) against yours truthilyMatt Hayden Blogger
5 days agoRight on Q, Perth lie factory casts spells for Epstein Island, against me using my nameMatt Hayden Blogger
6 days agoIs ABC story about death of a Lynton a symbolic incantation for Hillary Clinton?Matt Hayden Blogger
3 days agoPerth's Sunday Times makes symbolic incantations for Bill, Hillary and Chelsea ClintonMatt Hayden Blogger
3 days agoTeacher at Matthew Flinders Anglican College charged with child sex offences. Spooky!Matt Hayden Blogger