( 0860 ) New Global Financial System On the Way? XRP UAP Psyop? Act Blue Collapse, Lib Robots pt2, Robert O. Young, Stock Manipulation Before Butler & Before 9-11
( -0859 ) Todays' Democrats Are Only Capable of Acting Like Robots - Invasion of the USAID Snatchers (We're the Robbed, Not the Sponsor - U.S. Agency for International Development of What? Trafficking? )
The U.S. Corporation's DOD Planes Are Spraying Poisons Over Populated Areas. Not Enough People Injected Their Bioweapon During The Plandemic So Spraying Poisons And Burning Families To Death Is Acceptable Under The Hoax Of "Climate Change".
Space Fence & Mind Control – Conversation with Elana Freeland | Direct links to mentioned and other documentaries BELOW in the description box, underneath this video