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3 days agoWhy humans say they evolve from homosepiens monkeys gorillas ? Humans species are the assholes lolsoiritragnarok
5 days agoTranslations Available VIDEO 12 | PROOF OF NESARA_ US Government Congressional Document..QSI Proofs & Training VideosVerified
5 days agoRemember love is rare in the Jehovah Jesuit religious Gilead cu!ts love is abusesoiritragnarok
5 days agoTwo thing I am allergic slavery in organized religion governments and political deceptionssoiritragnarok
3 days agoTrust nobody to much not even the political religious cult leaders or the annunaki godssoiritragnarok
3 days agoNysc exercises killing time the symbolic annunaki wheel of time before lifetime kills yousoiritragnarok