3 days agoTrump Press Sec TO liberal France 'You'll Be Speaking German' on DEMAND Statue of Liberty returnedlevtcs
3 days agoliberal democrat cult klan AOC Say SCREW the Judge IGNORE HIS RULING He Can't Enforce it He can STFUlevtcs
3 days agoLib hypocrite democrat cult man-child predatory liar harry sisson persuade 11 Girls explicit photoslevtcs
3 days agoTrump Deranged Democrat REFUSES Service to a Man Wearing MAGA Gear - Black Man DEBUNKS democrat lieslevtcs
3 days agoPres Trump DEFIES illegals loving liberal democrat cult klan Judge & Deports illegals Gangbangerslevtcs
3 days ago🚨Pres Trump released JFK John F Kennedy 80,000 unredacted declassified files🚨3-18-25 Next News Netlevtcs
1 day agoliberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan Nancy Pelosi suddenly dont want to cut medicare fraudlevtcs
1 day agopaid lib hypocrite Democrat cult pathologic liar shill harry sisson wants you to think he's straightlevtcs
6 days agoPres Trump VA Veterans Affairs Secretary Doug Collins Confronts liberal democrat cult klan Fake Newslevtcs
1 day agoliberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan NYTimes Admits Covid A Pack Of LIES! w/ Anita Krishnalevtcs
6 days agolib democrat cult chuck schumer suddenly dont want shut down; 2011 democrat cult used to be pro-DOGElevtcs
6 days ago🚨very powerful liberal satanic democrat cult klan pardond Hunter Biden Flees America Live In Africalevtcs
6 days agosuddenly liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan fake news have Elon Musk Derangement Syndromelevtcs
6 days ago2011 democrat cult obama pelosi schumer sanders cutting waste promoting efficiency but now hate DOGElevtcs
6 days agodemocrat cult fake news CNN ERUPTS Republican Calling Out Maxine Waters saying Trump WANTS CIVIL WARlevtcs
6 days agoEx-Democrat Krysten Sinema exposed liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan AOC on filibusterlevtcs
6 days agoTrump hating Deranged liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan suddenly don't want govt shutdownlevtcs
6 days agoTulsi Gabbard TROLLS liberal satanic Democrat cult klan in Official Portrait HIDDEN Message REVEALEDlevtcs
6 days agoScott Jennings takes down UNHINGED liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan fake news CNN panellevtcs
5 days ago5:00 liberal satanic Democrat cult lying again republican will cut medicare medicaid social securitylevtcs