10 hours agoAnon Creepily Stares At A Girl In Public And She Notices It | 4Chan Greentext Stories4ECHENSTORIESS
10 hours agoAnon Gets Kidnapped & Sold On The Black Market By His Own Sister | 4Chan Greentext Stories4CHANTALES
15 hours agoAnon's Loser Friend Gets a Girlfriend, Then She Turns Lesbian | 4Chan Greentext StoriesLOANWITHME
12 hours agoAnon Flirts With The Female Doctor At The Military (Gone Wrong) | 4Chan Greentext Stories4echenstories
14 hours agoHot Subway Employee Is Unfriendly To Anon, So He Ruins Her Day | 4Chan Greentext Stories4ECHENTALES
13 hours agoAnon Has The Perfect Female Roommate, But Then This Happens... | 4Chan Greentext Stories4chanNtales