🚨 BREAKING NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT: Gen. Michael Flynn Warns That Obama And John Brennan Are Still Running An Illegal Intelligence Sabotage Operation Inside The Federal Government; Criminally Working Against DJT's Administration AND YOU!
False Flag Terror Attacks Are Being Planned Against Migrant Protests As The Trigger For A Globalist Funded Race-Based Color Revolution Designed To Drive DJT From Office Through Civil War!
BREAKING: USAID Was Secretly Funding The BBC To Run Anti-Trump/Musk Reporting Similar To The $300 Million Given By The Biden Administration To Reuters To Target Musk!
SIGHTINGS: Idaho UFO Flap, The Haunted Knickerbocker, Ancient Chinese Superstition, Airliner Barely Avoids UFO, and More! (S3 E20) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]