6 days agoThe Impact of Different Lights On The Behaviour & Functioning of A ChildHebrewIsraelitesHolland
1 day agoWhy humans say they evolve from homosepiens monkeys gorillas ? Humans species are the assholes lolsoiritragnarok
6 days agoAlk souls meet lady death of the endless sooner or later in the wheel of karma soul lessons timesoiritragnarok
6 days agoTime the Annunaki Satan Allah Jehovah Jesus before the wheel of time kills yousoiritragnarok
5 days agoLive Florence and the annunaki matrix soul disconnected alienated soul harvesting Stockholm machinesoiritragnarok
3 days agoRemember love is rare in the Jehovah Jesuit religious Gilead cu!ts love is abusesoiritragnarok
5 days agoNysc exercises this evening not seem my one of my crush last few days where is that fuzzy Joesoiritragnarok
6 days agoNysc perpetual state of imaginary grace in TBE end alk souls are same when its to e yo diesoiritragnarok
5 days agoMenchats savage love we got balls interactive with gay hi man in the closet of societysoiritragnarok
6 days agoSamuel azazel myriads of annunaki entities in the symbolic matrix heaven hel controlled oppositionsoiritragnarok
6 days agoThe annunaki mythology of Lucifer Neil fallen slogan angEls demons wars of space heaven Samuelsoiritragnarok
6 days agoSand man soul harvesting war coming soon heaven hell annunaki angels demon na going to warsoiritragnarok
6 days agoNysc killing the symbolic matrix control system and the wheel of time before life time kills yousoiritragnarok
6 days agoNysc killing the symbolic matrix control system and the wheel of time before life time kills yousoiritragnarok