JACK FR❄️ST (1979 Full Winter TV Special) | Drama/Musical/Stop Motion Animation | Summary: Higher Dimensional Being Descends/Gets Stuck as Human After Being Romanced by Low-Resolution (One Can Even Say FALSE) "Romantic" Love.
SIGHTINGS Investigates Law of Attraction and The Science of Luck | Nostradamus: “Those Who Are Reasonable Can Learn From My Prophecies How to Find THE RIGHT PATH!"
President Trump SHOCKS the World as He Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine and Globalists are P!SSED, Syria is Collapsing, Iceland Investigates Gay Man, and More! | Redacted News
EXCLUSIVE WARTIME REPORT: How Turkey, Israel, and NATO Overthrew Syria, and Why They Are Now Publicly Installing Al-Qaeda To Further Destabilize The Entire Middle East!