4 days agoSomeone Called to Thank Us for Preaching the Gospel!Pastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
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6 days agoMar 6 - Proverb of the Day - Flirting with Adultery is Playing with FirePastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
6 days agoNo Witchcraft, No Evil Prayer Can Stop God's Blessing!Pastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
5 days agoMar 7 - Proverb of the Day - Her House Is the Way to HellPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
5 days agoPreaching at a Border Check Point? Watch How Fast They Let You Go!Pastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
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3 days agoFruit of the Spirit: Gentleness MARCH 9, 2025 Pastor Steven L. AndersonFaithful Word Baptist Church LIVESTREAM
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