1. If You (I) Worship Me : The primordial Contagious Evil

    If You (I) Worship Me : The primordial Contagious Evil

  2. The Great Substitution: Living Under the Illusion | Jim Hohnberger

    The Great Substitution: Living Under the Illusion | Jim Hohnberger

  3. "The Antediluvian Effect: Ignoring the Point of No Return"

    "The Antediluvian Effect: Ignoring the Point of No Return"

  4. Programmed or Free? The Fragile Illusion of Free Will - Can Christianity prove it?

    Programmed or Free? The Fragile Illusion of Free Will - Can Christianity prove it?

  5. Unseen Battles: Confronting the Reality of Spiritual Warfare | Dr. Conrad Vine

    Unseen Battles: Confronting the Reality of Spiritual Warfare | Dr. Conrad Vine

  6. Spiritual Warfare & Global Crisis: Extreme Faith Report | Pastor David Gates

    Spiritual Warfare & Global Crisis: Extreme Faith Report | Pastor David Gates

  7. Outlawed by the Church: The Cost of Living for God | Jim Hohnberger

    Outlawed by the Church: The Cost of Living for God | Jim Hohnberger

  8. God's Wrath vs. Human Vengeance: Who's Really Behind It? | Guds vrede vs. menneskelig hævn

    God's Wrath vs. Human Vengeance: Who's Really Behind It? | Guds vrede vs. menneskelig hævn

  9. Are We Raising Kids for Heaven or... ? | Opdrager vi børn for himlen eller...?

    Are We Raising Kids for Heaven or... ? | Opdrager vi børn for himlen eller...?
