1. Age-Driven Grandiosity Syndrome: Overestimation of Abilities Based on Age and Experience

    Age-Driven Grandiosity Syndrome: Overestimation of Abilities Based on Age and Experience

  2. Turning an Inherited Property into a Profitable Deal Using Private Money with Erica Camardelle

    Turning an Inherited Property into a Profitable Deal Using Private Money with Erica Camardelle

  3. Mythic Reality Delusion: Belief in Breaking Physical Laws Through Sheer Willpower

    Mythic Reality Delusion: Belief in Breaking Physical Laws Through Sheer Willpower

  4. Fame-Driven Boundary Delusion: Belief in Gaining Popularity Through Extreme Informality

    Fame-Driven Boundary Delusion: Belief in Gaining Popularity Through Extreme Informality
