1. The Need to Acknowledge Bicameral Vestiges: Modern Support for Julian Jaynes's Theory

    The Need to Acknowledge Bicameral Vestiges: Modern Support for Julian Jaynes's Theory

  2. A Resurgence of Julian Jaynes’s Theory of Consciousness | Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind

    A Resurgence of Julian Jaynes’s Theory of Consciousness | Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind

  3. Julian Jaynes Is Not for the Intellectually Fainthearted: Consciousness & the Bicameral Mind Podcast

    Julian Jaynes Is Not for the Intellectually Fainthearted: Consciousness & the Bicameral Mind Podcast

  4. The Myth of Pure Consciousness: Belief in a Fundamental Psychic Process Hinders Progress in Psych.

    The Myth of Pure Consciousness: Belief in a Fundamental Psychic Process Hinders Progress in Psych.

  5. Disentangling Inner Speech, Self-dialogue, and Auditory Hallucinations

    Disentangling Inner Speech, Self-dialogue, and Auditory Hallucinations
