1. 3 Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Listening and Seeing

    3 Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Listening and Seeing

  2. Mario Murillo - God is supernaturally delivering people from great distress and evil spirits

    Mario Murillo - God is supernaturally delivering people from great distress and evil spirits

  3. SEP22B 2024: God crushed them, yet He loves forever. Behold, the sky, the soaring sea of the tsunami

    SEP22B 2024: God crushed them, yet He loves forever. Behold, the sky, the soaring sea of the tsunami

  4. Feb04: He is proud of the work of his hand. Idol. Behold, Yeshua! Judgment, For Moses & Jonathan.

    Feb04: He is proud of the work of his hand. Idol. Behold, Yeshua! Judgment, For Moses & Jonathan.

  5. Dec31: Behold, destroy the birds! The Father ambushes with the virus. The man who is the rapture.

    Dec31: Behold, destroy the birds! The Father ambushes with the virus. The man who is the rapture.

  6. Feb01: Learjet. Medical. It fell, It crashed into Philly at Night. Behold, the fire of the eagle!

    Feb01: Learjet. Medical. It fell, It crashed into Philly at Night. Behold, the fire of the eagle!

  7. YHVH sealed. Sean Mitchell solved the linking code w/ a computer. The book. Behold, be preserved!

    YHVH sealed. Sean Mitchell solved the linking code w/ a computer. The book. Behold, be preserved!

  8. MAY26 2024: Sean Mitchell - The enemy will harm - behold, Sivan! HaSatan, Satan, Linda, Within July

    MAY26 2024: Sean Mitchell - The enemy will harm - behold, Sivan! HaSatan, Satan, Linda, Within July

  9. MAY09 2024: Who teaches the Passover? Moses! Behold, the teacher is Sean Mitchell! Moses is his name

    MAY09 2024: Who teaches the Passover? Moses! Behold, the teacher is Sean Mitchell! Moses is his name

  10. JUL14: Threat of assassination. Trump, USA, Behold He was shot on the tip of his right ear. B. Obama

    JUL14: Threat of assassination. Trump, USA, Behold He was shot on the tip of his right ear. B. Obama

  11. Behold their necks! The holy one who came from among a nation was Elijah. Sean is the Canadian

    Behold their necks! The holy one who came from among a nation was Elijah. Sean is the Canadian

  12. They will verify Iran attacked. The God of Israel, Behold, the strike in the night, USA, the threat.

    They will verify Iran attacked. The God of Israel, Behold, the strike in the night, USA, the threat.

  13. When people go Pure Evil and side with the Devil Satan !

    When people go Pure Evil and side with the Devil Satan !

  14. He murdered-Obama is another Judas. Woe! Behold, a polar reversal! Nibiru is a burning, bitter death

    He murdered-Obama is another Judas. Woe! Behold, a polar reversal! Nibiru is a burning, bitter death
