6 days agoWhat Happens NEXT After the RAPTURE? Dr. David JeremiahWe Must Take A Stand Today For Christ If you wont stand for something you will fall for anything
13 days agoNov19: My echo of the rapture is the season of unleavened bread. God says RAPTURE 26 Times!FaultlineGrace5607
1 day agoJan28: A significant wall will be prepared for completion—the rapture is His mystery.FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoTalkin' Rapture til The Rapture. Fat heads or Fired up hearts. I curse you in the Name of Jesus.FaultlineGrace5607
14 days agoJUL11 2024: The day of the ambush after we have been Raptured, Obama will begin his Dragon fire liesFaultlineGrace5607
12 days agoThey scoffed. He loves My Truth in the book & sings the Glory of the Rapture. Birth & destructionFaultlineGrace5607
12 days agoDec31: Behold, destroy the birds! The Father ambushes with the virus. The man who is the rapture.FaultlineGrace5607
12 days agoDec30: He is exalted for the truth of the rapture and accomplished everything. It's All Done, Folks!FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoSEP23 2024: Pentecost Rapture. They waited for 6. He restricted the hem of the Lion. Mount Maqla.FaultlineGrace5607
14 days agoMAY19: Exchanging bitterness for pleasantness. It all begins after the resurrection. Finding grace.FaultlineGrace5607
15 days agoPassover Rapture He desired My blood in the gift of the Hill. He thundered RAPTURE with the spellingFaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNov17B: The rapture is the shield of YHVH. Satan ambushed NYC. 666 is Barack Obama.FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNov11: The Rapture is all joy, which contrasted the lamentation that will be in all the broad placesFaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNov24B: His vessel is to shepherd with the stitching of the words that he preaches in the rapture.FaultlineGrace5607
12 days agoJan03: The deadly sea confounded them with an earthquake in Japan. The Rapture and NYC floodFaultlineGrace5607
14 days agoJUN30 2024: Counting to The Spring/Summer Pentecost Rapture. Only 29 days until July 29th!FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNOV08 2024: Beautiful completion is at the flood. You will escape at the rapture. The night of Elul.FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNOV08 2024: Beautiful completion is at the flood. You will escape at the rapture. The night of Elul.FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNov22: 2 weeks from today - THE LAST GREAT DAY! Pentecost RAPTURE time! Fear God - BELIEVE.FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoNov18: When is the rapture? The Mount of YHVH is His hidden day. He described an ambush.FaultlineGrace5607
9 days agoJan20: Where is Erin Fried? Raptured to High Heaven! Faithful Fisher. Obama Murdered Trump.FaultlineGrace5607
13 days agoThe self-evident calendar's fire is within the pure seed of Moses - his offspring! Rapture Time.FaultlineGrace5607
9 days ago012025 Where is Erin Fried? Raptured to High Heaven! Obama Murdered Trump.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline