Judy Byington: Special Intel Report 3/16/25: Trump Unleashes Full GESARA Protocols. IRS Abolished, Taxes Wiped Out for Millions, Gold-Backed QFS Activated, Global Economic Reset Now Underway!
Judy Byington: Special Intel Report 3/9/25: BQQM!!! The IRS is GONE, Federal Taxes Wiped Out – The Deep State’s Financial Control System is COLLAPSING Right Now!
Judy Byington: Special Intel Report 2/27/25: BQQM!!! President Trump Just Wiped Out The Deep State, Fires Top Military Traitors In Historic Pentagon Purge!
Trump Calls Out Democrats for the Horrible People They Are: ‘Absolutely Nothing I Can Say to Make Them Happy or to Make Them Stand or Smile or Applaud’“I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations