7 days agoThe Entire World Is Waking up to the Moon Landing Hoax and World Enslavement Agenda of the NWO CabalBiological Medicine
6 days agoOur Govts That We Had So Much Trust In Can No Longer Be Trusted! Reform Govts! Reclaim Flat Earth!Biological Medicine
14 days agoRED ALERT !!! Cell Phone Towers Are Weaponized !!! Ready for Mass Extermination !!!Biological Medicine
22 days agoURGENT WARNING FOR THE VACCINATED: Rid Your Body Of Graphene Oxide Or NanobotsBiological Medicine
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21 days agoEx-Telco Executive Exposes the Real Cause of Covid-19 and the Agenda for Pushing 5G EMF TechnologyBiological Medicine
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15 days agoDIRE WARNING !!! The Cabal Could Use 5G EMF for Targeted Killing, Disease Causing & Mind Control !!!Biological Medicine
21 days ago5G Can Cause Cancer, Neurological Problems, Etc! Expose the MOAC to Get Rid of 5G-Pushing NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
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15 days agoDIRE WARNING TO ALL COUNTRIES! 5G Wireless Network Is A Threat To Plants, Animals And Humans!Biological Medicine
26 days agoDr 'Dietrich Klinghardt': There May Be a Plot to Impair the Pineal Gland, Severing Humanity from the Creator and True Cosmos !Biological Medicine
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19 days agoBees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
1 month ago'WI-FI' AND '5G' DANGERS: Would You Trust Your Government with Your Life? Or with Your Child's Life?Biological Medicine
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24 days agoThe Cabal-Run UN and WHO Knew about the Dangers of 5G EMF Radiation Back in 2018Biological Medicine
20 days agoCan Wi-Fi or 5G Signals Stunt Plant, Human or Intelligence Growth? Research Before It Is Too Late!Biological Medicine
20 days agoExpose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Get Rid of the NWO Cabal before It Gets Rid of You with 5GBiological Medicine