20 hours agoDark Souls Remastered | Killing friendly NPCs - Undead Male Merchant in Undead BurgCodeQuest
4 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Defeating the Golden Crystal Golem (second step to starting DLC)CodeQuest
4 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Demon Ruins loot in area surrounded by Mini Taurus Demon NPCsCodeQuest
11 days agoDark Souls Remastered | How to escape the prison cell in Duke's Archives (includes full cutscene)CodeQuest
10 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Archive Tower Giant Cell Key location & where to use (Duke's Archives)CodeQuest
4 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Starting DLC 3rd step, to Duke's Archives to loot the Broken PendantCodeQuest
3 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Titanite Slab in Royal Wood, starting from Oolacile Sanctuary bonfireCodeQuest
1 day agoDark Souls Remastered | Defeating the Berenike Knight in Undead Burg and getting a Fire Keeper SoulCodeQuest
13 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Dark spirit Knight Kirk invasion & loot drop (in Lost Izalith)CodeQuest
12 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Dark spirit Paladin Leeroy invasion & loot drop (in Tomb of the Giants)CodeQuest
4 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Wolf Ring location in Darkroot Garden, starting from hidden bonfireCodeQuest
14 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Dark spirit Knight Kirk invasion & loot drop (in the Depths)CodeQuest
10 days agoDark Souls Remastered | Crystalline armor set location near Crystal Cave (Duke's Archives area)CodeQuest