16 days ago🍷 🫓 We're Commanded to Obey This – Communion Service for ALL Believers!Open Door Baptist Church
16 days agoWrong Time of Year but it Doesn't Matter: Where Shepherds Meet (Luke 2)Open Door Baptist Church
13 days ago🐙 Adding Charity to Your Faith (2nd Peter 1) - 11.11.2020 Midweek ServiceOpen Door Baptist Church
1 day agoPaul the Pioneer and Preacher (Ephesians 3:2-7) - 8.9.2020 AM ServiceOpen Door Baptist Church
19 days agoHawaii Rep. Compares Not Allwing Religious Exmpt. To NOT Allowing Church of Satan’s ILLEGAL PractBlossominnerwellness
5 days agoAdding KNOWLEDGE to Your Faith (2nd Peter 1) - 9.16.2020 Midweek ServiceOpen Door Baptist Church
11 days ago🌎 Presenting Our New Missionaries for 2020! - 10.31.2020 Mission ConferenceOpen Door Baptist Church
7 days ago😊 Adding Patience to Your Faith (2nd Peter 1) - 10.7.2020 Midweek ServiceOpen Door Baptist Church
12 days ago🌎 (ft. JEREMY ROWLAND) The PEOPLE of Missions - 11.1.2020 Mission ConferenceOpen Door Baptist Church
9 days agoFeb. 19, 2025 - Colorado Capitol Connection SPECIAL - "I Believe that He Is Holy"First Baptist Church of Westminster
13 days agoFeb. 16, 2025 - Sunday AM MESSAGE - The Nation God Will Bless (Prov. 14:34)First Baptist Church of Westminster
13 days ago🇺🇸 This Pastor SPOKE UP & prayed during the 2020 Election turmoil.Open Door Baptist Church