Biden Administration to SEND NUKES to Ukraine?! + The UK and France to Send Troops á La WW3.. | Roger Stone Visits Luke Rudkowski & Company (
🚨 NUCLEAR WAR ALERT 🚨 Russian Diplomats Warn The World Has Never Been Closer To WW3 After Biden Authorizes NATO Bombing Inside Russia! | FULL SHOW (11/18/24)
MAXIMUM WW3 ALERT: Putin Announces Russia is Now OFFICIALLY "At War" With N.A.T.O. After Biden Announces He'll Deliver Nuclear Capable Missiles to Ukraine!
Congressman, Keith Self Drafts Articles of Impeachment Against Biden Over Attacking Russia and Putin Responds with Threats of Nuclear War By Christmas! | Redacted News
The Lights Are On, But Nobody's Home: Out-Of-His-Mind Faux-President Biden Basically Announces Plan To End The World! AND THEN There's Mitch McConnell.. | #HOWto #StopPayingTaxes #EndTheFedForThem #PeopleWhoCantEvenTalkSayTheyreGoingToBombRussia