JACK FR❄️ST [Becomes Human] (1979 Full Winter TV Special) | Drama/Musical/Animation | Summary: Higher Dimensional Being Descends/Gets Stuck as Human After Being Romanced by Low-Resolution (One Can Even Say FALSE) "Romantic" Love.
2015 Rebel Heart Tour (Feat. Mike Tyson) – Madonna | The Absolute Last Before Everything Became Generic. The Now "Generic Material Girl" Was Born. And Depending on YOU She May OR May Not Be Caught Here. | #BlurredLines #Entertaining #Stale
Alchemy, Freewill, Activism, Psilocybin, Relationships/Intimacy, The Separation of the Old and New Earth (AKA 3D <–> 5D Timelines Split), and More! | Sarah Elkhaldy (The Alchemist) on Danica Patrick's "Pretty Intense" Podcast
BREAKING: Biden Goes into Complete Panic-Mode After President Trump Pledges to Prosecute The Biden Administration—Constitutional Lawyer, Robert Barnes Gives Breakdown!
HISTORIC: President Trump Launches Plan To End The Ukraine/Russia War and Stop Nuclear Armageddon, + Desperate Biden Admin To Hand Out Preemptive Pardons Ahead Of Criminal Investigations Being Headed By Trump's New Admin! — FULL SHOW (12/5/24)