1. NOV01 2024: Murdered by his enemy, the black leopard, Barack. Bible code-Book of Judgment. Kaduri.

    NOV01 2024: Murdered by his enemy, the black leopard, Barack. Bible code-Book of Judgment. Kaduri.

  2. MAY24 2024: Bible Codes. He is being asked. How? Like a hand you will lift to Him...and the future?

    MAY24 2024: Bible Codes. He is being asked. How? Like a hand you will lift to Him...and the future?

  3. MAY28 2024: God has done it for us! Vengeance belongs to the Messiah! Approval then he escaped!

    MAY28 2024: God has done it for us! Vengeance belongs to the Messiah! Approval then he escaped!

  4. MAY26 2024: Sean Mitchell - The enemy will harm - behold, Sivan! HaSatan, Satan, Linda, Within July

    MAY26 2024: Sean Mitchell - The enemy will harm - behold, Sivan! HaSatan, Satan, Linda, Within July

  5. MAY26 2024: Serving Jesus from sun up to sun down... and all through the night as well.

    MAY26 2024: Serving Jesus from sun up to sun down... and all through the night as well.

  6. MAY30 2024: Who encoded My Word? God chiseled the stone with a command of His mouth. Conquer!

    MAY30 2024: Who encoded My Word? God chiseled the stone with a command of His mouth. Conquer!

  7. MAY13 2024: The death of Lofty New York in the end of days. The Auroras of YHVH equals her - Flood.

    MAY13 2024: The death of Lofty New York in the end of days. The Auroras of YHVH equals her - Flood.

  8. OCT02 2024: Levite, Linda Mitchell, is the mother of Sean-Moses. April 17th is the true day of love.

    OCT02 2024: Levite, Linda Mitchell, is the mother of Sean-Moses. April 17th is the true day of love.

  9. OCT07 2024: Hurricane Milton broke through and heaped up everywhere. Barry Awe a lying fool.

    OCT07 2024: Hurricane Milton broke through and heaped up everywhere. Barry Awe a lying fool.

  10. OCT06B 2024: Eliyahu, illustrated the Koren Tanakh. The End of My World - He kneaded My blood.

    OCT06B 2024: Eliyahu, illustrated the Koren Tanakh. The End of My World - He kneaded My blood.

  11. AUG31 2024: You came to the Bimah on high for the sight of the whole Torah. The lamp descended.

    AUG31 2024: You came to the Bimah on high for the sight of the whole Torah. The lamp descended.

  12. SEP05 2024: God restricted Colt Gray, the name of the demon possessed shooter who murdered. USA.

    SEP05 2024: God restricted Colt Gray, the name of the demon possessed shooter who murdered. USA.

  13. SEP08A 2024: Holy Holy Holy! Loving Jesus 168 hours of the week.

    SEP08A 2024: Holy Holy Holy! Loving Jesus 168 hours of the week.

  14. SEP07 2024: Perseverance of the saints and falling from grace are 2 of many many lies of Calvinism.

    SEP07 2024: Perseverance of the saints and falling from grace are 2 of many many lies of Calvinism.

  15. SEP06 2024: We are God's masterpiece. We were created to do good works.

    SEP06 2024: We are God's masterpiece. We were created to do good works.

  16. SEP13 2024: The New Moon is full! A full sign to reckon! Yeshua-23. They will be punished as a whole

    SEP13 2024: The New Moon is full! A full sign to reckon! Yeshua-23. They will be punished as a whole

  17. JUL16 2024: The Watchmaker's controversy. The calendar is the word of YHVH in the book of Moses.

    JUL16 2024: The Watchmaker's controversy. The calendar is the word of YHVH in the book of Moses.

  18. JUL17 2024: Jesus was on born on September 29, 5 BC. He died April 17th, 30 AD

    JUL17 2024: Jesus was on born on September 29, 5 BC. He died April 17th, 30 AD

  19. JUL21B 2024: Please welcome Trevor to the Family of Jehovah. Questions and answers.

    JUL21B 2024: Please welcome Trevor to the Family of Jehovah. Questions and answers.

  20. JUL21 2024: The Harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved.

    JUL21 2024: The Harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved.

  21. JUN30 2024: Counting to The Spring/Summer Pentecost Rapture. Only 29 days until July 29th!

    JUN30 2024: Counting to The Spring/Summer Pentecost Rapture. Only 29 days until July 29th!
