22 days agoSand man soul harvesting war coming soon heaven hell annunaki angels demon na going to warsoiritragnarok
22 days agoNysc killing the symbolic matrix control system and the wheel of time before life time kills yousoiritragnarok
22 days agoNysc killing the symbolic matrix control system and the wheel of time before life time kills yousoiritragnarok
21 days agoNysc. Planet fitness exercises follow along handsome hunky dean manflow yogasoiritragnarok
21 days agoLive Florence and the annunaki matrix soul disconnected alienated soul harvesting Stockholm machinesoiritragnarok
21 days agoNysc exercises this evening not seem my one of my crush last few days where is that fuzzy Joesoiritragnarok
19 days agoTwo thing I am allergic slavery in organized religion governments and political deceptionssoiritragnarok
19 days agoRemember love is rare in the Jehovah Jesuit religious Gilead cu!ts love is abusesoiritragnarok
17 days agoTrust nobody to much not even the political religious cult leaders or the annunaki godssoiritragnarok
17 days agoWhy humans say they evolve from homosepiens monkeys gorillas ? Humans species are the assholes lolsoiritragnarok
17 days agoNysc exercises killing time the symbolic annunaki wheel of time before lifetime kills yousoiritragnarok
1 month agoThe divine matrix living matrix of all things consciousness life birth ti.e atrophy age decay deathsoiritragnarok
1 month agolove why some relationships soul harvest your emotions in healed mom dad issues ego basedsoiritragnarok
1 month agoNysc killing the symbolic annunaki wheel of Time before life time reaps all souls in this Matrixsoiritragnarok
27 days agoTold my bearded acquentance Nick things are so fucked up might as well laugh none getting out alivesoiritragnarok
27 days agoSaturn worship is the annunaki reality of most soul harvest things beliefs matrix soul prisonsoiritragnarok
27 days agoTrust nothing no-one too much not even the annunaki gods in this soul prisonsoiritragnarok
27 days agoNysc pass time killing the symbolic wheel of time in this matrix Annunaki prisonsoiritragnarok