6 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 12/11/2024 🕉 Crystal Rose Holders of the Magdalene Lineage of Light #crystalwhitegoldeagle
7 days agoNew Earth Astrology: this is a turn around moment! take a leap and rise in vibration! 🕉 #astrologywhitegoldeagle
7 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 12/10/2024 🕉 Infinite Diamond Suns of Prime Source Creator 🕉 #infinite 🕉whitegoldeagle
12 days agoCrystalline Portal 🕉 The Great Pyramid in Egypt 🕉 Magna Mater's Matrix to Return 🕉 Creational Rayswhitegoldeagle
23 days agoAmbassador of the Galactic Federation: The Great Shift Is Upon Us Now 🕉 Fifth Dimension Ascension 🕉whitegoldeagle
1 day agoThe Lifting Episode #24: Tools for Healing and Protection...Revocations, Wards, Audits, AffirmationsThe Lifting Vintage Episodes
5 days agoREST ON THE SEAT OF HOPE #pastoriykeabbe #hopeingod #soulimpactchurch #rest #faithandhope #hoperpastoriykeabbe
4 days agoKUAN YIN: You have JUST ENTERED the 9 DAYS of SACRED PASSAGE 🕉 Passageway of Transformation 🕉whitegoldeagle
3 days agoPOPE FRANCIS will OPEN 5 PPRTALS in a RITUAL for xmas... Vatican has been lying to you all your lifespookyavy
28 days agoThe Event: Dawn of New Day! 🕉 Pluto Enters Aquarius | This is the beginning of the New Golden Agewhitegoldeagle