13 days agoIn 1960s Flu vaccine was deemed ineffective and caused cancer Whistleblowers were silencedOurFreeSociety2021
25 days agoFacebook fact checkers are funded by Vaccine Company Johnson and JohnsonOurFreeSociety2021
23 days agoEvil scientists admitting weather manipulation in fake news mainstream mediaOurFreeSociety2021
26 days agoWhat tariffs are REALLY ALL ABOUT Inflation You will not be able to surviveOurFreeSociety2021
22 days agoCongress is trying to pass a bill to keep evil trump at the head of the NWO for a 3rd termOurFreeSociety2021
1 month agoSNL aired it once before pulled. GE poisons the environment, and the fake news media corporationsOurFreeSociety2021
1 month agoSNL aired it once before pulled. GE poisons the environment, and the fake news media corporations coDeVulder
15 days agoAerosol Crimes Poison Spraying Chemtrails and the mafia government censoring the subject Part 2OurFreeSociety2021
23 days agoFabian George Orwell should have named his book 2024 instead of 1984 - Aired in October 2020OurFreeSociety2021
23 days agoEvil donald trump says This Particular Enemy Is God and that He Is The Chosen OneOurFreeSociety2021