20 days agoComedy to kill the symbolic annunaki Satan Jehovah Allah Jesus wheel of time matrix slaverysoiritragnarok
20 days agoKilling the annunaki matrix wheel of time symbolic for soul enslavement all egos would trapped Insoiritragnarok
19 days agoNysc killing the symbolic annunaki wheel of time Before life time kills you deathcafe.comsoiritragnarok
13 days ago(ft. ANDREW DE CUNHA) ☠️ The Valley of the Shadow of Death (Psalm 23)Open Door Baptist Church
16 days agoSaturn worship is the annunaki reality of most soul harvest things beliefs matrix soul prisonsoiritragnarok
16 days agoSaturn worship the annunaki religions of soul mind control harvest Satan Jehovah Allah wheel of timesoiritragnarok
8 days agoThe annunaki connection to this reality religions commerce every form of corporations institutionssoiritragnarok
19 days agoAnnunaki religions Jehovah's witnesses the Saturn Masonic secret societies new world order cultssoiritragnarok
1 month agoStockholm love obey or die matrix soul harvesting paradox prison deathcafe.consoiritragnarok
12 days agoMatrix illusions of choice Satan Jehovah Jesuit blood rituals Allah money political Saturn sun moonsoiritragnarok
10 days agoHumanity is being assimilated into the news world order hive mind Borg digital matrix soulnprisonsoiritragnarok
5 days agoGeoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 22, 2025, # 498 ( Dane Wigington, mirrored) )soiritragnarok
27 days agoPersonal killing time my gay soul in the Annunaki symbolic matrix of soul control hotel Californiasoiritragnarok
1 month agoThe Annunaki Stockholm $$$ religion$$ political corporations matrix soul control systembsoiritragnarok
1 month agoThe Annunaki Stockholm $$$ religion$$ political corporations matrix soul control systembsoiritragnarok