26 days agoBaccarat Live - 32 units won in 37 minutes with 53.5% hit rate and 13 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
25 days agoBaccarat Live - Should I get rid of the "below 40% hit rate bet the opposite"?Crack the Baccarat Code
12 days agoBaccarat - 61 units won in 66 minutes with 48.3% hit rate and ONLY 11 units drawdown. Good numbers.Crack the Baccarat Code
20 days agoBaccarat - System FAILED so I started betting every hand with TRUE Pure LCS with no stops or resetsCrack the Baccarat Code
29 days agoLive Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code