19 days agoThe Vatican’s Jesuits: their evil oath, grand rule & hatred of ChristiansFollowerofChrist7777777
15 days agoRear Admiral David Porter Tells His Story of his Naval Blockades During the Civil War1The Historical Conquest Channel
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9 days agoDr. Mike Yeadon: there was no COVID-19 pandemic; it was premeditated global depopulationFollowerofChrist7777777
7 days agoNWO: The Vatican's Club of Rome unveils plan for the world's depopulation (2)FollowerofChrist7777777
11 days agoNWO: Bill Gates drafts plan to make 'vaccine hesitancy' a crime in the USFollowerofChrist7777777
14 days agoNWO: Bill Gates 'predicts' black swan event will depopulate 94% of world’s populationFollowerofChrist7777777
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