1. JUL21 2024: The Harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved.

    JUL21 2024: The Harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved.

  2. JUL21B 2024: Please welcome Trevor to the Family of Jehovah. Questions and answers.

    JUL21B 2024: Please welcome Trevor to the Family of Jehovah. Questions and answers.

  3. JUL22 2024: BIBLE CODES. Elijah Rips. July 19, 5784 for the appointed time, the death.

    JUL22 2024: BIBLE CODES. Elijah Rips. July 19, 5784 for the appointed time, the death.

  4. JUN30 2024: Counting to The Spring/Summer Pentecost Rapture. Only 29 days until July 29th!

    JUN30 2024: Counting to The Spring/Summer Pentecost Rapture. Only 29 days until July 29th!

  5. JUN17 2024: The Messiah of YHVH fulfilled the Torah. Yeshua the Nazarene was ambushed.

    JUN17 2024: The Messiah of YHVH fulfilled the Torah. Yeshua the Nazarene was ambushed.

  6. MAR11 2024: John Cena & Dwayne - Satan/Antichrist worship. Oscar & Freemasonry. God HATES Sinners

    MAR11 2024: John Cena & Dwayne - Satan/Antichrist worship. Oscar & Freemasonry. God HATES Sinners

  7. MAR10B 2024: The Rock/Barack live at The Target in NYC, representing Papatui/The Pope. David Serrano

    MAR10B 2024: The Rock/Barack live at The Target in NYC, representing Papatui/The Pope. David Serrano

  8. JUN06 2024: Jesus encoded The Word of God. Sean Mitchell prophesied everything in the code.

    JUN06 2024: Jesus encoded The Word of God. Sean Mitchell prophesied everything in the code.

  9. JUN16 2024: Leaving Jericho and Moab to fully Trust in Jesus, under the wings of The Almighty.

    JUN16 2024: Leaving Jericho and Moab to fully Trust in Jesus, under the wings of The Almighty.

  10. MAY24 2024: Bible Codes. He is being asked. How? Like a hand you will lift to Him...and the future?

    MAY24 2024: Bible Codes. He is being asked. How? Like a hand you will lift to Him...and the future?

  11. MAY22 2024: Whoever chooses to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God. "Satan in me." A sign.

    MAY22 2024: Whoever chooses to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God. "Satan in me." A sign.

  12. MAY09 2024: Who teaches the Passover? Moses! Behold, the teacher is Sean Mitchell! Moses is his name

    MAY09 2024: Who teaches the Passover? Moses! Behold, the teacher is Sean Mitchell! Moses is his name

  13. OCT27B 2024: YHVH God met the rejoicing man whom He tightly embraced! "Heal me, O LORD" he prayed.

    OCT27B 2024: YHVH God met the rejoicing man whom He tightly embraced! "Heal me, O LORD" he prayed.

  14. OCT31 2024: Double impact—is not the bread My fire? The truth of My light is the secret of his code.

    OCT31 2024: Double impact—is not the bread My fire? The truth of My light is the secret of his code.

  15. SEP01 2024: The Fire and The Rain. Rise up and show yourself. 7 years 40 days & 7 years 7 days.

    SEP01 2024: The Fire and The Rain. Rise up and show yourself. 7 years 40 days & 7 years 7 days.

  16. SEP02 2024: The army ambushed Yankee Rose, NYC--life is a heap of ruins. The Eagle was uprooted.

    SEP02 2024: The army ambushed Yankee Rose, NYC--life is a heap of ruins. The Eagle was uprooted.

  17. JUL30M 2024: Watchnight - Day 2. God confirms that July is Nisan. Weebly - "My Jubilee".

    JUL30M 2024: Watchnight - Day 2. God confirms that July is Nisan. Weebly - "My Jubilee".

  18. JUL30 2024:The contention will be caused by the enemy-wrath from YHVH. His messenger of wrath

    JUL30 2024:The contention will be caused by the enemy-wrath from YHVH. His messenger of wrath

  19. JUL10 2024: The blessed one with the book was rebuked. The one who validated My Hebrew language

    JUL10 2024: The blessed one with the book was rebuked. The one who validated My Hebrew language

  20. JUL11 2024: The day of the ambush after we have been Raptured, Obama will begin his Dragon fire lies

    JUL11 2024: The day of the ambush after we have been Raptured, Obama will begin his Dragon fire lies

  21. JUL08 2024: July 29 is Pentecost. 7/29 is 4/29 on God's 360 day calendar. 2023 Pentecost Rapture!

    JUL08 2024: July 29 is Pentecost. 7/29 is 4/29 on God's 360 day calendar. 2023 Pentecost Rapture!
