General Flynn | 4 Updates | Why Are the World's Central Banks Buying Massive Amounts of Gold? Why Did Elon Musk Post? "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity?" + "Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boy Friend Is (Fire)."
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Post the Following On X? "Grok 3 AI girlfriend or boyfriend is." - Elon Musk (February 24th 2024) + "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity." - Elon Musk (2/23/25 5:51 PM)
COVID Vaccines | "The Pfizers (Vaccines) Are Full of SV40...What We Put Into Mice to Help Them Grow Tumors So We Could Pour Chemotherapy Into Them to See If It Worked for the Tumors." - Professor Angus Dalgleish