7 days agoIsrael Presents Palestinians with an Ultimatum to either Leave Now or Die -- “The Loot is On”Waking the World up
22 days agoDr. Jack Kruse – Pfizer Deliberately Designed Covid mRNA Vaccines with the Cancer Causing SV-40Waking the World up
13 days agoAre the Globalists Steering us all into a Trap? Even those who are Awake to the Agenda??Waking the World up
25 days agoWill the Trump team and Doge come after the biggest market manipulators like the Fed and JP Morgan?michaelj5326Verified
18 days agoCovid 2.0 Tactics – Paying Farmers Double to Euthanize Hens & the New Vaccine Campaign for ChickensWaking the World up
8 days agoKerry Cassidy -- Secret Space Program & The Battle of Power of Planet EarthWaking the World up
26 days agoBlack Pregnant Girl Vaccinated Against Her Will – “Take it like an Adult or we will Hold You Down”Waking the World up
19 days agoFauci Exposed - “The Covid Conspirators” - by Colin D. Heaton on Forgotten HistoryWaking the World up
26 days agoThe Vaccine Debate, Stargate mRNA Tech, Lab Leak Theory – Jillian Michaels & Heather Heying Ph.DWaking the World up
14 days agoU.S. Airman Labeled as “Inside Threat” – Confined 66 Days & Beaten for Refusing Covid VaccineWaking the World up
19 days agoDr. Steven Baker – In 1952 the Chance of Getting Polio Before Vaccines was .037%Waking the World up
17 days agoColonel Thomas X. Hammes – Jesuit Lecture at Georgetown in 2006 – “True Believers” Are DangerousWaking the World up