18 days ago【PT】Relatório da Câmara sobre a pandemia da COVID-19 confirma que todos os “teóricos da ...GloryMifan2
21 days agoHouse Report on COVID-19 Pandemic Confirms All “Conspiracy Theorists” Were CorrectGloryMifan
19 days ago【HU】A COVID-19 világjárványról szóló képviselőházi jelentés megerősíti, hogy minden „összeesküvés...GloryMifan2
18 days ago【NL】Huisrapport over COVID-19-pandemie bevestigt dat alle 'complottheoretici' gelijk haddenGloryMifan2
16 days agoVan Jones WRECKS Libs With HARD TRUTHS "We pushed all the rebels out of this party!"Angry Teacher
28 days agoThere's Something Very Bizarre About What Was Released In These Reports..SaleDaddy1 (Official)
18 days agoI've heard that North Koreans have also had their organs harvested by the Chinese Communist Party!Jonajjj