1. MAY05B 2024: Connor Betts. Enoch. The Mighty name of Jesus Christ sets free the demon possessed.

    MAY05B 2024: Connor Betts. Enoch. The Mighty name of Jesus Christ sets free the demon possessed.

  2. After 6 days. Nibiru, a terror—a multitude of people died. From above it is red. It's marvelous

    After 6 days. Nibiru, a terror—a multitude of people died. From above it is red. It's marvelous

  3. UFO's are fallen angels - The Seraphim. Aliens are demons, The Bible Code is God's Holy signature.

    UFO's are fallen angels - The Seraphim. Aliens are demons, The Bible Code is God's Holy signature.

  4. MAY17 2024: My shepherd revealed the truth of the Auroras to the children of Israel—death of the USA

    MAY17 2024: My shepherd revealed the truth of the Auroras to the children of Israel—death of the USA

  5. MAY14: Jan/8. A deliberate disaster. Iran aimed a missile into it. Crashing, it was shattered at 6.

    MAY14: Jan/8. A deliberate disaster. Iran aimed a missile into it. Crashing, it was shattered at 6.

  6. OCT29: He tracks the day. Behold, O lofty nation, the mega-tsunami from God! Let darkness return!

    OCT29: He tracks the day. Behold, O lofty nation, the mega-tsunami from God! Let darkness return!

  7. OCT16 2024: RAPTURE! Yeshua rescues the lampstand, Mitchell, on the seventh day, the appointed time.

    OCT16 2024: RAPTURE! Yeshua rescues the lampstand, Mitchell, on the seventh day, the appointed time.

  8. Blasphemy. Do NOT judge the fire of the Mountain nor put the Light of the codes to the test.

    Blasphemy. Do NOT judge the fire of the Mountain nor put the Light of the codes to the test.

  9. Sean Mitchell's life points to the truth of the day of The Rapture. YHVH-Mitchell-Elijah-Light.

    Sean Mitchell's life points to the truth of the day of The Rapture. YHVH-Mitchell-Elijah-Light.

  10. OCT13 2024: We've done ALL thou hast commanded, Jezebel/Jesus. Wimpy husbands. Elijah's the fence.

    OCT13 2024: We've done ALL thou hast commanded, Jezebel/Jesus. Wimpy husbands. Elijah's the fence.

  11. SEP29B: Moses will live at the time of ATONEMENT. Palm branches (SUKKOT) are for Mitchell's sign.

    SEP29B: Moses will live at the time of ATONEMENT. Palm branches (SUKKOT) are for Mitchell's sign.

  12. SEP29_2024: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! Elijah. Recalibrating at Sinai-Maqla. The still small voice.

    SEP29_2024: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! Elijah. Recalibrating at Sinai-Maqla. The still small voice.

  13. SEP27: OSAS! God will destroy NYC, The USA, The Vatican, Philosophy & Calvinism. Jesus' Bday 9/29!

    SEP27: OSAS! God will destroy NYC, The USA, The Vatican, Philosophy & Calvinism. Jesus' Bday 9/29!

  14. SEP25: God Hates Charismatics, The Statue of Liberty & deniers of The Bible Codes. "The 4th Feast"

    SEP25: God Hates Charismatics, The Statue of Liberty & deniers of The Bible Codes. "The 4th Feast"

  15. AUG02 2024: Rejoice! He was caught up! A Feast with a number sequence is the day! Shavuot!

    AUG02 2024: Rejoice! He was caught up! A Feast with a number sequence is the day! Shavuot!

  16. AUG01: Rapture - Sean, Lyndee, Jonathan. Verily I say to you when the time arrived, Yeshua came.

    AUG01: Rapture - Sean, Lyndee, Jonathan. Verily I say to you when the time arrived, Yeshua came.

  17. AUG03: The Temple Scroll reveals My heart in the high place of the burnt offering - Calvary's Cross.

    AUG03: The Temple Scroll reveals My heart in the high place of the burnt offering - Calvary's Cross.

  18. The Masonic Third World War. Don’t lose focus Christians - Brother Markus #endtimes #doctrinematters

    The Masonic Third World War. Don’t lose focus Christians - Brother Markus #endtimes #doctrinematters

  19. Expose the DARKNESS of the Judaizers their tactics of ZIONISM #CABAL #Noahide #Kabbalah #antichrist

    Expose the DARKNESS of the Judaizers their tactics of ZIONISM #CABAL #Noahide #Kabbalah #antichrist

  20. The Science Of Bio-Genesis Pt.3 + Let's Talk About Should Our Prayers Be Different On The Sabbath?

    The Science Of Bio-Genesis Pt.3 + Let's Talk About Should Our Prayers Be Different On The Sabbath?

  21. Why Is Preaching the Gospel Essential for Conviction?

    Why Is Preaching the Gospel Essential for Conviction?
