27 days agoThe BIBLE warns us in these last days that people will stumble over the Word of God!drock5690
18 days agoDo not be Deceived in the last days by ministers of the Gospel and allow HOLY SPIRIT to work in YOU!drock5690
22 days agoThe cleansing of the Lord's House is taking place in the days ahead, as in the days of Old!drock5690
22 days agoThe Wicked will bring Destruction upon themselves, and NOTHING needs to be done, it will HAPPEN!drock5690
26 days agoAvoid the Blurred Christianity Trap and Return to Your First LoveThe Graceful Warrior Podcast
23 days agoGodliness will Keep YOU from Walking in your old Lifestyle of Sin, and to walk in your calling!drock5690
25 days agoDon't act SURPRISED when unusual Persecution comes your way, because the LORD is with YOU!drock5690
5 days agoSo Full of Love | Singing Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs | Psalm 86 (NLT) #worship #psalmsA Psalm Sings