11 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/13/2025 🕉 Divine Sovereign Co Creators of our New Edenic Paradigm 🕉whitegoldeagle
11 days agothis message comes to you from spirit, at just the right time for your awakeningwhitegoldeagle
11 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 2142025 Sacred Spirits of our Collectic Allegiance of Earth Angels of the 144whitegoldeagle
10 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/15/2025 🕉 Galactic Time Navigators of our Freedom Legion of Light 🕉whitegoldeagle
10 days ago12th Dimensional LightBody 🕉 Merkabah * Star Tetrahedron 🕉 Healing and Activating your Light Body 🕉whitegoldeagle
9 days agoPleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light: 🕉 A "Spiritual Awakening" on your PATH of Ascension 🕉🕉whitegoldeagle
9 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/15/2025 🕉 Galactic Time Navigators of our Freedom Legion of Light 🕉whitegoldeagle
9 days agoSomething MONUMENTAL, HUGE and AWESOME is Happening NOW! 🕉 Sages, Seers, Ancients, & Tribal Elderswhitegoldeagle
9 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/16/2025 🕉 Sacred Soul Star Ascending Masters of New Earth 🕉 #soulwhitegoldeagle
8 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/16/2025 🕉 Sacred Soul Star Ascending Masters of New Earth 🕉 #soulwhitegoldeagle
8 days agoYou are Witnessing The FALL of the MATRIX! 🕉 The Andromeda Intergalactic Council of Lightwhitegoldeagle
8 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/17/2025 🕉 Crystalline Code Holders of our 12 Tribes of the New Eden 🕉whitegoldeagle
8 days agoyou are ready for this spiritual warriors of the true way of freedom in the lightwhitegoldeagle
7 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/18/2025 🕉 Wayshowers of the Oneness of Oceanic Consciousness #oneness 🕉 🕉whitegoldeagle
7 days agoAurora Family and Arcturians 🕉 Awakening to your Essence/Cathar Lineage 🕉 DNA Time Codeswhitegoldeagle
6 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/18/2025 🕉 Wayshowers of the Oneness of Oceanic Consciousness #oneness 🕉 🕉whitegoldeagle
6 days agoPraying Mantis Collective 🕉 Awaken Your Inner Vision 🕉 Architects of Perception 🕉 Ancient Pathways!whitegoldeagle
5 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/20/2025 🕉 Galactic Star Nation of our New Eden Rising 🕉 #newearth #eden 🕉whitegoldeagle
3 days agoThe Golden Children and the Seventh Root Race of New Earth 🕉 Indigo Crystal Rainbow Beings 🕉 Unity!whitegoldeagle
3 days agoAscension is the Descension of our Authentic Sacred Self into our human beingwhitegoldeagle
5 days agoDivine Light of Love 🕉 Gateway Portal New Earth 🕉 A Significant Shift in Earths Timeline Occurred!whitegoldeagle
4 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/21/2025 🕉 Celestial Earth Angels of our New Heaven upon Earth #newearth 🕉whitegoldeagle
21 days agoBEYOND THE ILLUSION 🕉 The Pleiadian Council of Light 🕉 Your many Star Families 🕉whitegoldeagle
14 days ago#123 | Kavanaugh Confirmed, Unhinged Protests, 'Roundhouse Kick' Guy Arrested | Beauty & the BetaMattAndBlondeArchive