5 hours ago@Synaptic Warns That David Weiss's Flat-Earth App Is Riddled With Security Holes - DO NOT USE!Liberty TV
2 days agoAre They Hiding Electromagnetic Plasma Changeover (EMPCO) & Sudden Rapid Pole Shift (SURPS) Events?Liberty TV
10 days agoStrong Woman Calls Out the Vatican for Hiding Ancient Secrets, Books and Maps, Including TartariaLiberty TV
27 days agoThe Book of Enoch Was Not Included in the Bible to Hide 4-Quarter Flat Earth & Macroclimate Change!?Liberty TV
1 month agoTIME IS RUNNING OUT! Tell the Whole World that the Moon Is a Flat-Earth Map BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!Liberty TV
27 days agoDownload the Docu. & Evidential Videos on the Moon Being a Flat-Earth Map for Safekeeping & Sharing!Liberty TV
19 days agoThe Controllers Are Running the DIVERGENT Experiment to Identify the Saviors of Humanity (Theory)Liberty TV
4 days agoAE/Gleason-Map Gatekeepers Help the NWO Cabal to Hide Atlantis, Lemuria, Pangea, N Pole Shift & MoreLiberty TV
1 month agoTIME IS RUNNING OUT! Tell the Whole World that Earth Is Flat and Stationary BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!Liberty TV
1 month agoTell Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai about the True Flat-Earth Map on the Plasma Moon! See the Video DescriptionLiberty TV
5 days agoAQUARIUS ♒︎ "Watch Out! You Might Not See This Coming!" 🍀 Aquarius Sign ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆Sacred Knowledge Tarot
2 days agoAQUARIUS ♒︎ "This Will Happen To You Very Quickly!" 🍀 Aquarius Sign ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆Sacred Knowledge Tarot
21 days agoSomeone Reveals the Flat Earth Model with the Black Sun, Which May Be the Worshipped “Planet” SaturnLiberty TV