20 days agoLEO ♌️ ❤️ Who’s your next true love? 💕(from the Valentines Special Live) Tarot Love ReadingDutchEmpressTarot
4 days agoARIES ♈️ Surrender to the process, the Universe has your back💕Tarot Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
18 days agoChanneled Message for the Sick/ in Hospital/ Hospice & Loved Ones. Step into the Light & Accept Help3ofPentacles
2 days agoLibra ♎️ - Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Tarot Reading #libra #tarot #tarotary #lunareclipse #fullmoontarottarotarychannel
2 days agoCancer ♋️-Lunar Eclipse in Virgo tarot Reading #cancer #tarot #tarotary #lunareclipse #fullmoontarottarotarychannel
20 days agoGEMINI ♊️ ❤️ Who’s your next true love? 💕(from the Valentines Special Live) Tarot Love ReadingDutchEmpressTarot
26 days agoReiki & Angel Number 333✨Creativity- Self Expression - Manifesting - Growth - Alignment - Well BeingEnergyandLight
4 days agoLEO ♌️ FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! 💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
2 days agoPisces ♓️-Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Tarot Reading #pisces #tarot #tarotary #lunareclipse #fullmoontarottarotarychannel
20 days agoPISCES ♓️ ❤️ Who’s your next true love? 💕(from the Valentines Special Live) Tarot Love ReadingDutchEmpressTarot
2 days agoCapricorn ♑️ - Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Tarot Reading #capricorn #tarot #tarotary #lunareclipsetarotarychannel
4 days agoCANCER ♋️ A HUGE turn of events! A loving person coming in! 💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
20 days agoLIBRA ♎️ ❤️ Who’s your next true love? 💕(from the Valentines Special Live) Tarot Love ReadingDutchEmpressTarot
16 days agoAries ♈️ Late February 2025 taking you in Early April. Let it go Aries. It was good but now it’s over. Another opportunity coming 🌹Maliah's Temple