21 days agoDefend your Faith from Ungodly People that will distort the Gospel of the LORD Jesus!drock5690
25 days agoDo not be Deceived in the last days by ministers of the Gospel and allow HOLY SPIRIT to work in YOU!drock5690
22 days agoThere will be DECEIVERS in these Last Days that will attempt to Change the Teachings of Jesus!drock5690
27 days agoJesus is the WORD made Manifest, and the LIGHT in this World that will GUIDE YOU!drock5690
22 days agoThe Victory that You have in your life will help others have victory in their lives!drock5690
29 days agoThe cleansing of the Lord's House is taking place in the days ahead, as in the days of Old!drock5690
29 days agoThe Wicked will bring Destruction upon themselves, and NOTHING needs to be done, it will HAPPEN!drock5690
18 days agoDo not Allow other people to bad mouth your blessing, because God WILL Do it in your life!drock5690
22 days agoYou cannot WALK in LOVE without keeping his WORD, and his COMMANDS in your HEART!drock5690
23 days agoAnyone that believes JESUS is their Messiah is Born Again, and the Victory to Overcome The World!drock5690
24 days agoYour identity is not found in what YOU don't practice, but in the Will of God for your life!drock5690
16 days agoLet the LORD Develop YOU, and Do NOT Force the MIRACLE that HE is Producing in your Life!drock5690
16 days agoYou have to TRUST God even when there is no EVIDENCE of it in the NATURAL for the MIRACLE!drock5690
28 days agoCalifornia: Pro Palestine Man Guns Down Kindergarten Kids at Christian SchoolAddisEthiopia
28 days agoWhen the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?drock5690
28 days agoMockers will deny the second coming of the LORD Jesus, and by their unbelief be destroyed by it!drock5690
24 days agoThe World already hates, and has stereotypes of Christians, and we're to love people in this World!drock5690