22 days agoNov28: By faith, Sean "Moses" Mitchell escaped Obama, Russia, and the sea flood of the USA.FaultlineGrace5607
22 days agoNov20: Yeshua rescued Moses. The dark cloud is a flood to NYC.. The USA is a horror. JMW is cursed.FaultlineGrace5607
21 days agoDec16: From Faith to Face! When will you snatch up the soul from out of Moses Mitchell? The Booklet.FaultlineGrace5607
23 days agoJUL16 2024: The Watchmaker's controversy. The calendar is the word of YHVH in the book of Moses.FaultlineGrace5607
22 days agoJesus the prophet speaking to Moses the prophet via His code. Diddy & The City are DONE!FaultlineGrace5607
22 days agoThe self-evident calendar's fire is within the pure seed of Moses - his offspring! Rapture Time.FaultlineGrace5607
22 days agoAUG19 2024: Moses, Elijah - Sean is equal, whom he persecutes! He soared! He was righteous.FaultlineGrace5607
21 days agoDec03: The codes of YHVH are from Sean Mitchell—Moses and Elijah—he searched out thousandsFaultlineGrace5607
21 days agoDec2:The lampstand is the work of YHVH. The truth is exalted through My witnesses, Moses and Elijah.FaultlineGrace5607
24 days agoMAR02: April 29th. Satan hates the man Moses, the lampstand. He recognizes the book for the code!FaultlineGrace5607
23 days agoMAY02: Come to My encrypted lamp. It is verified. Elijah and Moses came for the days with the truth.FaultlineGrace5607
26 days agoWitness of Diddy's RED PARTY Shocking Demon Possession Ritual Exposes the Horrendous TruthTheWarAgainstYou
21 days agoThe Lamp will cause this reality. Damascus will fall by fire. The codes of Moses, 5785, Elijah.FaultlineGrace5607
6 days agoThe Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Feasts and sacrifices of the Israelites. Numbers Ch 28.pastorrk
17 days agoJan21: The day of Moses' death. Mitchell. War from the ambush. Barack, the lying murderer.FaultlineGrace5607
25 days agoFEB13: The adversary & the sect to behead came - Sean Mitchell slept. Moses rose & shouted for Joy!FaultlineGrace5607
25 days agoPatrick Wright will curse the bread of fire & be destroyed before Moses. You will burn in the fire.FaultlineGrace5607
22 days agoThe Divine Calendar of Moses Mitchell. After the flood. It is now complete from God's shepherd.FaultlineGrace5607
22 days agoJabal al-Lawz! YHVH spoke to Moses Mitchell In the secret place of thunder. Behold, Midian!FaultlineGrace5607
23 days agoJUL25 2024: The truth is exalted through My witnesses, Moses and Elijah. Obama will kill them.FaultlineGrace5607
24 days agoMAR24B 2024: Moses will kill Jonathan in Hawaii - The heretic who did not regard the word of YHVH.FaultlineGrace5607