25 days agoRighting the Wrongs Yes, it’s GUNNA hurt however, I Y K Y K… Tune In “it’s fun to be smart”TProvenzaVerified
9 days agoHidden His-Story of Man & Deep State: Act 7 - The Pagan Empires of Mystery BabylonDustin NemosVerified
8 days agoSearching for the earliest mention (15th Century BC) of the Israelite's God, "Yahweh."Dustin NemosVerified
8 days agoGods Name, YHWH, Found on oldest scroll - the Silver YHWH Scroll! *(7th Cent. BCE)Dustin NemosVerified
20 days agoUncensored Church 50 (Edited): Betrayal: Trojan Trump's Tribulation - The Son of PerditionDustin NemosVerified