8 days agodemocrat fake news CBS SILENT As Reporter exposed cover up democrat zombie joe Biden Mental Declinelevtcs
7 days agoWATCH how liberal satanic democrat cult klan react to the TRUTH on cover up zombie in joe biden lieslevtcs
19 days agodemocrat fake news CNN REALITY CHECK ADMIT White House LIED democrat zombie joe Biden Mental Declinelevtcs
3 days agolionel messi snub democrat cult zombie joe biden freedom medal participation trophy for hating Trumplevtcs
2 days agodemocrat cult klan pathologic liars chuck schumer dan goldman lied denying the zombie in joe bidenlevtcs
2 days agogop not Shaking democrat's Hand racist but democrat biden said you aint black not voting democrat oklevtcs
15 days ago🔥Pres Trump RESPONDS to liberal satanic democrat cult zombie joe Biden’s numerous Christmas pardonlevtcs
15 days agoliberal satanic democrat cult klan fake news FINALLY Admits demented zombie joe Biden since 2019levtcs
3 days ago🚨democrat cult chuck Schumer lied zombie joe Biden mentally fine; dhs mayorkas lied on open borderlevtcs
22 days agoPolice Throw democrat cult zombie joe Biden Under Bus ARRESTING 15 Illegals Gang Members Aurora Aptlevtcs
19 days ago🚨democrat cult TOTAL PANIC! Schiff & Swalwell CAUGHT By FBI Racing To Get zombie joe Biden's pardonlevtcs
18 days agoliberal democrat cult fake news lying cover up democrat zombie joe biden's mental decline since 2020levtcs
22 days agoMayor ADMIT Radioactive Material MISSING Amid Backlash Against dem Biden's SILENCE On Drone INVASIONlevtcs
11 days agoliberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan zombie joe Biden legacy lied pardon son hunter's crimeslevtcs
10 days agocourt order liberal satanic democrat cult klan zombie joe biden stop selling border wall materials😂levtcs
11 days agodemocrat cult paid shill grifter harry sisson ok zombie joe biden spent presidency 40% on vacation😂levtcs
3 days agoLiberal democrat cult fake news CONFRONT Democrat cult chuck schumer LIES on the zombie in Joe Bidenlevtcs
15 days agoliberal democrat cult klan zombie joe biden money to ukraine can pay USA homeless education hungerlevtcs
24 days ago🚨liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan zombie joe biden's OUTRAGEOUS Mass Pardon In Historylevtcs
22 days ago🚨White House Official Says: democrat cult zombie joe Biden DEAD In A Year Can’t Complete Sentences’levtcs
7 days agowhitney cummings TORCH democrat cult fake news CNN To Their FACE: 'You Propped Up zombie joe Biden'levtcs
2 days agodemocrat zombie joe Biden medal of freedom shows you who helped liberal satanic democrat cult klanlevtcs
19 days agoFormer democrat cult fake news CNN chris cillizza BEG MERCY for LYING on the zombie in dem joe bidenlevtcs