Gold | Gold Financial Reset Looming? + "We Are About the Abandon the Traditional System of Money & Introduce a New One." - Pippa Malmgren + "Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari
Grok | What Does Grok & Singularity Mean? “Grok is a word from a Heinlein novel, Stranger in a Strange Land. It's used by a guy who's raised on Mars. The word ‘grok’ is to fully and profoundly understand something..." - Elon Musk
Gold | "Gold, It Is the Most Private of All Currencies. The GREAT LIE of My Lifetime Is That CRYPTO Was Going to Be PRIVATE & Was Going to FREE Us from Surveillance & Control. Gold Can Actually Be Moved Around Privately."
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Post the Following On X? "Grok 3 AI girlfriend or boyfriend is." - Elon Musk (February 24th 2024) + "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity." - Elon Musk (2/23/25 5:51 PM)
Carbon Tax | What Is a Carbon Tax? How Will a Carbon Tax Impact Your Life? "My Top Recommendation Would Be to Just Have a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Carbon Taxes & Digital ID Control Grid 101
COVID Vaccines | "The Pfizers (Vaccines) Are Full of SV40...What We Put Into Mice to Help Them Grow Tumors So We Could Pour Chemotherapy Into Them to See If It Worked for the Tumors." - Professor Angus Dalgleish
Errol Musk | "We Learned Obama Is a Queer Married to Man Who Dresses As a Woman." + Errol Musk Is the Father of Elon Musk. Errol Had Two Children with His Stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, Despite a 42-year Age Difference.
Elon Musk | "Something That I Think Is Going to Be Quite Important Is a Neural Lace (A Brain-Computer Interface). If You Have Ultra Intelligent AI, We Would Be So Far Below Them, We Would Be Like a Pet, Like a House Cat." - 6/1/2016
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5 | What Does the Word Deceive Mean?
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5 | What Does the Word Deceive Mean?
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5 | What Does the Word Deceive Mean?