1. MAR19: Flat Earth be extinguished! "Woe, Ray Comfort is in the fire of hell! Ray is a burning corpse

    MAR19: Flat Earth be extinguished! "Woe, Ray Comfort is in the fire of hell! Ray is a burning corpse

  2. Dec22B: God's 3 Bibles: The Mazzaroth (sun, moon & stars), The Plain Text & The Bible Codes.

    Dec22B: God's 3 Bibles: The Mazzaroth (sun, moon & stars), The Plain Text & The Bible Codes.

  3. Praise God, a burning hell fire awaits the devil, all his angels & EVERYONE who Rejects Jesus!

    Praise God, a burning hell fire awaits the devil, all his angels & EVERYONE who Rejects Jesus!

  4. JAN13 The duration for Obama in Hell/Gehenna- Everlasting to everlasting! "I am in a great distress"

    JAN13 The duration for Obama in Hell/Gehenna- Everlasting to everlasting! "I am in a great distress"

  5. E330 Rick159 Lessons Seven Deadly Sins, Arch Angels, Fallen Angels Princes of Hell EXCERPT

    E330 Rick159 Lessons Seven Deadly Sins, Arch Angels, Fallen Angels Princes of Hell EXCERPT

  6. E348 RICK177 Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight POEM READING Straight out of Dementia Rick Liberty

    E348 RICK177 Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight POEM READING Straight out of Dementia Rick Liberty

  7. E353 Too Hard to Record Live and Edit_Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health

    E353 Too Hard to Record Live and Edit_Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health

  8. E349 RICK178 POEM ALONE Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight READING Straight out of Dementia

    E349 RICK178 POEM ALONE Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight READING Straight out of Dementia

  9. E352 Book 9 Fading Away from Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health WIDE SHORT

    E352 Book 9 Fading Away from Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health WIDE SHORT

  10. E351 Book 9 Fading Away from Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health TALL SHORT

    E351 Book 9 Fading Away from Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health TALL SHORT

  11. E347 Rick176 Book 9 Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Podcast Insight Stories Prose Poetry

    E347 Rick176 Book 9 Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Podcast Insight Stories Prose Poetry

  12. Come, the mystery will be left behind. He loves the Bible code. Sean Mitchell 1 of the 2 witnesses

    Come, the mystery will be left behind. He loves the Bible code. Sean Mitchell 1 of the 2 witnesses

  13. JUN01 2024: In His unlimited power, God has recorded every person's life in advance within The Bible

    JUN01 2024: In His unlimited power, God has recorded every person's life in advance within The Bible
