24 days agoEveryone is going to be tested like never before are you ready foe the your your soul's test?soiritragnarok
23 days agoDark twisted racist biggotted Muppets Cum eddy before time life harvest reaps as slaughters allsoiritragnarok
26 days agoThe divine matrix living matrix of all things consciousness life birth ti.e atrophy age decay deathsoiritragnarok
19 days agoMenchats savage love we got balls interactive with gay hi man in the closet of societysoiritragnarok
25 days agoTrust nothing no-one too much not even the annunaki gods in this soul prisonsoiritragnarok
19 days agoSand man soul harvesting war coming soon heaven hell annunaki angels demon na going to warsoiritragnarok
24 days agoWe are being deceived from every institution corporation religion media governmentssoiritragnarok
26 days agoNWO THE ANUNAKI RELIGION$$ PART SAME CONTROL $YSTEM depopulation great reset SCRIPT FOR HUMANITYsoiritragnarok
1 month agoWhy wss Jim Mars murder after exposing the new wo feed of order cuts depopulation giaks!soiritragnarok
22 days agoThe annunaki connection to ancient civilization Atlantis & it's its destruction wheel ofsoiritragnarok
19 days agoNysc killing the symbolic matrix control system and the wheel of time before life time kills yousoiritragnarok
19 days agoNysc killing the symbolic matrix control system and the wheel of time before life time kills yousoiritragnarok
20 days agoMusical sole mate Florence & annunaki matrix soul disconnected alienated soul harvesting Machinesoiritragnarok