20 days agoJesus fished - He validates Erin Fried. She will testify. The Star of Bethlehem. Terrorist Attack.FaultlineGrace5607
12 days agoJan20: Where is Erin Fried? Raptured to High Heaven! Faithful Fisher. Obama Murdered Trump.FaultlineGrace5607
11 days agoJan21: The day of Moses' death. Mitchell. War from the ambush. Barack, the lying murderer.FaultlineGrace5607
11 days agoJan22: Sean Mitchell is the fire of our Lord YHVH. Satan fails at the Mountain—Satan killed Sean.FaultlineGrace5607
8 days agoJan25: The deception of CS. My judgment is in Sean Mitchell's hand. He turned CS into powder.FaultlineGrace5607
7 days agoJan26A: God is angry with the false and inferior gods that you have hidden in your heart.FaultlineGrace5607
15 days agoJan04: Jellyfish UFO Will Keep Your Stupidity Alive. Science of USA. Poseidon, MidUSA & Pegasus.FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoHe murdered-Obama is another Judas. Woe! Behold, a polar reversal! Nibiru is a burning, bitter deathFaultlineGrace5607
16 days agoSEP28: Death, Flood and Holocaust! The wrath of My response is the measure of Mt Sinai-1 mi high.FaultlineGrace5607
15 days agoDec11:Pope Mario Bergoglio's twin is Luigi Mangione. The signs. THE Revelation of Jesus the Messiah.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFEB21: Cheek hugs! He spoke the fire of His signature. The Righteous know Sean Mitchell. Don't mock!FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoCalvinism is a religion, a firebrand, and it nullified the blood account of Jesus of Nazareth - YHVHFaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFEB24 2024: God prophesied to you the two witnesses. The prophecy preceded. He Narrated The Seal.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFEB23 2024: Behold, the 2 witnesses are exalted on the seventh day! He saw my rainbow. YHVH rejoicesFaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFaultline - Grace and truth. For the day of His miracle, Jonathan preached the code of Yeshua.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFEB25b_2024: Jesus is the LORD of the universe. KC Chiefs = Obama's Chiefs. Hurricane Irma. Nibiru.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFEB25: God's Will: Follow The Holy Spirit, Read The Word, Pray, Suffer. Never complain nor argue.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoThe Canadian wildfire is for Elijah, Sean Mitchell. All faces from the USA shall be seared thereby.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoMichael VonDran, a prophet of God, His gift-One hundred percent validation came. Adar, in fact.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoFEB28 2024: Faultline illuminated from Jesus! The Code is spread out via Youtube by Michael VonDran.FaultlineGrace5607
18 days agoLiving a straight line from The Judgment Seat of Christ to here. Your resume is crap without Jesus.FaultlineGrace5607
18 days agoApril Mitchell. USA final warning Eclipse. God has numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoTrump is President. Hillary Rodham. Stellarium and bible codes. Nibiru - My Bridegroom executed it.FaultlineGrace5607
19 days agoThe Fatima deception. Illusion of Babylon. A Catholic LIE vs A personal relationship with Jesus.FaultlineGrace5607
16 days agoInside B.O. satan will bow in worship to Jesus just before Jesus kills him & sends him to hell.FaultlineGrace5607