Extreme Mysteries


Extreme Mysteries blends entertainment with education. Viewers can learn about the history and origins of paranormal phenomena, as well as the latest research and discoveries in the field. Our videos are also a great resource for people interested in exploring the unknown themselves, with tips and advice on how to investigate and document strange activity and hard-to-explain events. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, our videos are sure to captivate you. With new content added regularly, there is always something new and exciting to discover here on Extreme Mysteries.



Covering many earth extremities ranging from Earthquakes, Quake Swarms, Volcanic Activity/Eruptions, CME's - Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Flares, Geomagnetic Storms, Magnetosphere Pressure plus other solar related radiation pulses, Asteroid/Meteorite Threats, Solar System Threats, Wildfires, Fires, Explosions, Vehicle/Plane Incidents, Severe Weather Events, Landslides, Mudslides, Flooding, Sinkholes, Hurricanes, Typhoons, Storms, Tsunami's, Snowfall/Ice, Heatwaves, Drought, Water Shortages, Nuclear Fallout/Leak, Viruses, Diseases, Epidemics, Pandemics, Dead Mammals/Birds/Animals, Pollution Threat Levels and many more events.

Modern Muscle Xtreme


Dave Weber, the founder and owner of Modern Muscle Performance / Modern Muscle Xtreme has a long history of Chrysler engine development. What began simply as two brothers sharing a love of racing in their 1971 Duster as a hobby ended up being Mr. Weber’s life-long commitment to automotive performance and development on many levels. With decades of experience, Dave and MMX has reputation of premium quality parts at very competitive prices and a ton of very high profile hot rod builds. Simply stop by www.modernmusclextreme.com's build section to view just a small sample of all of the high performance rides, including a all-wheel-drive monster that appears each week on the Discovery Channel. You might have heard of AZN's "Jeeper Sleeper," from the show "Street Outlaws". Well, that monster hot rod is one of our very own builds.

BeachBody P90X / P90X+ Extreme Home Fitness


P90X, or Power 90 Extreme, is a home exercise system developed by Tony Horton in conjunction with Beachbody and director Mason Bendewald, which claims to improve physical fitness in 90 days through a rigorous periodized training program combined with a nutrition and dietary supplement plan. P90X is an intensive 90-day home fitness program that combines a variety of exercise styles, including strength training, cardio, yoga, plyometrics, and stretching. Most of the workouts are just under an hour in length, and feature Tony Horton as instructor and motivational leader along with 3 or 4 fellow exercisers as backup. For workouts that require weights, one of the backup exercisers will generally demonstrate the exercise using the alternative resistance bands. The backup exercisers also demonstrate some moves at lower levels of intensity for participants who aren't as fit. With the exception of the Ab Ripper X routine, each workout generally begins with about a 10 minutes dynamic warm-up and ends with a cool-down of 3–5 minutes. The P90X program is 13 weeks in length, exercising six days per week. There are three rotations that come with the program: classic, lean, and doubles that all target different end goals. There are a total of 12 workouts that are included with the program, each targets the body in a different fashion.

DoubleARanch: American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, surviavalist self-sufficiency learners and educators, extreme 2A enthusiasts and prayerful stewards of what we have on loan from God. Verified


American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, Alpaca ranchers and lovers of God's greatest comedians...critters of all kinds but especially dogs. We are 2A enthusiasts, and veracious readers of our founding fathers and historical documents. In addition to educate other true conservatives for a return to traditional Paideia. This is the original liberal arts education for our children stemming from ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the basic 7 parts of a classical liberal arts education or a virtuous “Paideia” : Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy later to include Philosophy, Science, and Art. All were the education of our ancestors whether at home or Christian based and founded Universities.



OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER The thoughts, motives, conversations and words that will be spoken by the admins and creators on this channel are on the behalf of each of us who run this channel and future admins who join us. We are NOT direct representatives of the Nation Of Islam as an organization or the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as an individual. We are Students of His and His Father, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We ARE Nation Of Islam members BUT we represent ourselves on this platform. Therefore, What we are about to post on this channel and videos in the future is on our own behalf. HOWEVER, While we do represent ourselves, we will strive to run our videos with the same exact standard and training in which the Nation Of Islam as an organization has stood boldly firm on for the past 9 Decades. And even though we do not represent the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as an individual or name , we strive to live up to the expectations of our Divine Leader, Teacher, Guide and Messiah in our midst and the Two That Back Him. NOTICE FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW We are the ONLY OFFICIAL REGISTERED AND ACTIVE MEMBERS of the Nation Of Islam who has the name LIONS OF THE MESSIAH on YouTube and across other apps and teach about The Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Under The Divine Guidance Of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in an organized, professional and respectable manner. If a channel is created by anyone OUTSIDE of the admins of The Lions Of The Messiah and is not authorized by the Lions Of The Messiah to do so with a written letter of approval and signature of a hand written letter by the creator of this channel to use the name…they are NOT authorized by The Lions of the Messiah OR the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a individual or the Nation Of Islam as an organization and shall be treated as such. Thank You. Enjoy The Channel Second Channel Link below @ VERY BOTTOM OF DESCRIPTION "Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed."- Isaiah 53:5 SECOND CHANNEL LINK BELOW "Jesus endured. Because he endured, he was able to say in the darkness of his hour, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." If they understood, they would never have said, "Crucify him." They would never have chosen a thief over the servant of God, if they but understood. Yes, I'm nailed. Yes, I'm in great pain. Yes, I'm being mocked and ridiculed. Yes, there's a crown of thorns on my head. I'm left here to hang and suffer, with agonizing pain, while people walk by and spit on me and throw stones and I cannot defend myself. But when I open my mouth to speak, I curse no one. I curse not God. I say, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Into thy hands do I command my spirit. It is finished. It is accomplished. " - The Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan, Closing The Gap Pg.162 LIKE! SHARE! SUBSCRIBE! LEAVE A COMMENT! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTd4Hhs5q/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artofwar_444/ https://www.instagram.com/masteryourl... Cashapp Donations: https://cash.app/$TheExaltedPlace Book a Session with The Strategist(Strategy/Life Coach) Or Buy Master Your Life Official PDF Guideline Step 1) DM The Strategist @artofwar_444 or @masteryourlife7 or send email @ masteryourlife7@gmail.com Step 2) PUT IN THE DESCRIPTION ON CASHAPP WHAT YOU ARE SENDING THE MONEY FOR Session/Donation/PDF EBook Step 3) You Will Receive PDF Ebook within 30 min or a message directly from the Strategist to speak on the phone about the Session IF THERE ARE ANY ISSUES PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO DM @masteryourlife7 or @artofwar_444 on IG or Facebook @ Evan X FOI SUBSCRIBE TO THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF THE CXOLLECTIVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1d7... FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS @ NOI Defense Team #noi #farrakhan #stopasianhate #AAPI SUBSCRIBE AS SOON AS YOU CLICK THE LINK SECOND CHANNEL RIGHT HERE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAf